DIFF for CSS Transforms Module Level 1 or 2

The revised draft for level 1 is here. Or revised draft for level 2 is here. Revised parts are marked in yellow.

Revised parts

3D transformation on SVG
In respond to ISSUE 19 of SVG2, modify restriction statement about 'vector-effect' property on SVG and 3D transform functions section.
Definition of scale and its mathmatical descriptions (scale2D, scale 3D)
In respond to decomposition_of_scale resolution related to this proposal, The definition of scales was added. And its mathematical descriptions are added.
Other minor additions ( #1, #2)
Minor additions on Mathematical Description for kind explanation.

Discussion Points (already discussed @ svgwg f2f june 2015)

  1. Better revision target: CSS transforms level 1 or 2?
  2. How is "vector effect" handled in 3d context?



I (stakagi) have noticed that there is CSS Transforms Level 2 after making this document. Since scale is mentioned by its issue, these revision may be good to be applied to Level 2. So, I made a revised draft.

I think that scale2D should be related to css-device-adapt.